Outstanding Service Trusted by Millions

With over 47 years of experience, Abdulkareem Insurance Brokerage partners with top-rated insurers, providing tailored life, health, and mortgage protection plans to clients age 0-80in the NYC metropolitan areas and many other parts of USA, emphasizing affordability and quality coverage.

Secured Policy

Our secured policies offer robust protection with collateral, guarantees, and insurance coverage, ensuring your peace of mind against unforeseen risks. Trust us to safeguard your assets and mitigate potential losses effectively.

Undertaking Risks

Embrace opportunities and navigate uncertainties confidently with our tailored risk management solutions. Our expertise in undertaking risks ensures comprehensive protection for your assets and peace of mind for your future endeavors.

Insurable Interest

Insurable interest is the foundation of insurance, ensuring that policyholders have a vested financial interest in the insured property or person. Our expertise ensures tailored insurance solutions that protect assets and provide peace of mind.

Financially Help

Our financial assistance services provide personalized support to navigate challenging financial situations. With our expertise, we offer tailored solutions to help you manage risks, protect your assets, and achieve your financial goals effectively.


Empowering Financial Security When It Matters Most

Are you a seasoned Professional or Executive approaching retirement age? Our clientele predominantly comprises women, many of whom have praised our empathetic approach and deep understanding.

Do you have an elderly loved one whose financial well-being and healthcare you wish to safeguard?

Would you find peace of mind in knowing that your health coverage is robust and your mortgage is safeguarded in case of an unforeseen health crisis or disability?


Serving And Providing Best Services For Clients

Life Insurance

We tailor out plans according to our client’s wants and needs and goals.

Disability Income Protection

If you become disabled and unable to work, what would you do? Generally borrowing does not work when one is disabled. Savings usually gets deleted, so Disability Income Protection Insurance is the answer for most people.

Dental Insurance

One of the most sought at coverage in the industry. We have plans from several companies that we feel sure will meet our client’s needs and goals.

We Are Very Experienced & Offer Great Services.

with integrity and knowledge of our products, so our work really starts after the clients received their policies. We gladly “hold their hands” and are gladly available for any problems and answers or needs they may have.

Our Happy Customers
(4.5 reviews)

We Follow Simple Steps To Insured Finance

Connect to the Agent
Select and propose the very best policies for our clients.
After policies are issued, we keep clients in the loop about any concerns about their policy and also anything new in the industry that would benefit them.

Get A Free Quotes How We Operate For You !

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